Potries participates at “Municipis en Saó: llaurant polítiques alimentàries transformadores”.
Potries (18/10/18).The City Council of Potries will participate on Friday, October 26, 2018, in the presentation of the project “Municipios en Sazón: labrando políticas alimentarias transformadoras”, organized by CERAI and the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP). It will take place at the Palacio de Pineda (Plaza de Carmen 4, Valencia), from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. The mayor of Potries, Assumpta Domínguez, will participate in the program with “The proposals of the Network of Cities for Agroecology: dialogues with local institutions”, specifically from 11:00 to 11:30 h.
This initiative aims to disseminate innovative food policies and encourage the adhesion of more Valencian municipalities to the Network of Cities for Agroecology, to which València, Godella and Meliana already belong. The ultimate goal of this project is to promote the implementation of actions at the municipal level that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations.
During the next 2 years (October 2018-October 2020) from CERAI and the FVMP will be promoted training actions aimed at political staff, civil servants and technical staff of the Valencian municipalities to increase their knowledge and therefore their interest around the agrifood system and its management at the municipal level. The objective of these training is to generate sustainable public policies in the agri-food sector at the municipal level in line with the Pact of Urban Food Policies of Milan. Throughout the project CERAI and the FVMP will advise some municipalities to launch initiatives aimed at promoting transformative food policies such as sustainable school canteens, local direct sales markets, shared spaces for food processing of local products or land banks.
For more information: http://www.fvmp.es/la-fvmp-y-cerai-apoyan-a-los-ayuntamientos-valencianos-en-la-implementacion-de-politicas-alimentarias-sostenibles/.
Pea register: mes@fvmp.org.