Take Note! This weekend, Saturday and Sunday have a big opportunity to visit Potries, and with a walk for the village enjoy 4 EXIBITIONS:
Saturday and Sunday of 11 to 14 hours, will be able to visit the itinerant exhibition of the MuVIM “Republican Aesthetics in Valencia”, installed to the building of the City council, as well as to the Museum.
Once over there you will be able to do a visit to the Museum Cassoleria of Àngel Domínguez, recently recognised as a Museum of the Valencian Community.
Next or before you can do a walk for the streets of the centre of the village and enjoy 2 installed exhibitions to the street: the exhibition “Orgullos@s de ser Capital”, of Juan José Todolí and still remain installed 3 of the 5 points of the exhibition “Absences and Distances” to Gustavo Germano.
And to finish, a soda in the bars or restaurants of our village or a bath to the municipal swimming pool.
Somebody gives more???